For the original article on pliny see dsb, see vol. Plinys 37book naturalis historia is a stupor mundi, an encyclopedia of everything there was to knowwhether it was worth knowing or notin rome of the 1st c ad. The natural history book vii with book viii 1 34 latin texts. The 34th on copper and lead, and the workers of copper. The voynich code the worlds most mysterious manuscript the secrets of nature duration. His avid interest in natural phenomena led him to write the natural histories, an encyclopedic work encompassing subjects as diverse as astronomy, geography, biology. I have seen myself, in the camp, from the sentinels in the nightwatch, the resemblance of lightning to fix on the spears set before. Gaius plinius secundus ad 232479, called pliny the elder. Links to translation of pliny the elder, natural history. I ingenuously own therefore, i so much the more covet a place in them. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from the roman empire to the modern day and purports to cover the entire field of ancient knowledge, based on the best authorities available to pliny.
Search the history of over 431 billion web pages on the internet. It is entirely devoted to a survey of the human race, for whose sake, in plinys words, nature appears to have created everything else. Mad about you natural history subtitles english season. Buy a cheap copy of the letters of the younger pliny book by pliny the younger. Its frequent digressions into issues of morality and gossipy, occasionally rambling style would certainly not be at home in a modern encyclopedia, but its allencompassing scope covering botany, zoology, astronomy, geology, and medicine among other. Nero, quoniam ita placuit diis, princeps, lamna pectori inposita sub ea cantica.
It is therefore at once crucial to the understanding of plinys enterprise as a whole but also relatively selfcontained. The letters of the younger pliny book by pliny the younger. Covid19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. American museum of natural history handbook series no. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. This extraordinary work was originally composed and. Ad 611 was also a prolific letterwriter, who numbered among his correspondents such eminent figures as tacitus.
Lacuscurtius pliny the elders natural history book 34. The table below is a summary based on modern names for topics. Direct observation, informed speculation and common knowledge are combined to present a key snapshot of ancient thought and the romans perspective on the world around them. The works subject area is thus not limited to what is today understood by natural history. This edition can be found on the internet archive, with the exception of books. Gaius plinius secundus 23 ad 25 august 79 ad, better known as pliny the elder, was a roman author, naturalist, and natural philosopher, as well as naval and army commander of the early roman empire, and personal friend of the emperor vespasian spending most of his spare time studying, writing or investigating natural and geographic phenomena in the field, he wrote an encyclopedic work. The project gutenberg ebook of the natural history of pliny, vol i. Philemon hollands english translation of 1601 has influenced literature ever since. Plinys historia naturalis natural history is a vast encyclopaedic work and the only book by him to have survived. Pliny the elder, natural history loeb classical library. Plinys natural history was the goto encyclopedia for over 1,500 years, from its publication around the year 77 until well into the renaissance.
It is one of the largest single works to have survived from the roman empire to the modern day and purports to cover all ancient knowledge. In 37 books, pliny the eldernot to be confused with his nephew, pliny the youngercovers botany, zoology, astronomy, geology, geography, mineralogy, and how each of these interact with roman life. Mingling acute observation with often wild speculation, it offers a fascinating view of the world as it was understood in the first century ad, whether describing the danger of diving for sponges, the first waterclock, or the use of asses milk to remove wrinkles. If we are generally careful to have our faces taken by the best artists, ought we not to desire that our actions may be celebrated by an author like. Links to translation of pliny the elder, natural history attalus.
Pliny the elder is also the uncle of pliny the younger, whose letters are definitely worth a read, and outline the tragic and incredible nature of pliny the. Such then is the present state of the world, and of the countries, nations, more remarkable seas, islands, and cities which it contains. The complete latin text of book xxxiv of the historia naturalis of c. He wrote the encyclopedic naturalis historia natural history, which became an editorial model for encyclopedias. Plinys natural history is an astonishingly ambitious work that ranges from astronomy to art and from geography to zoology.
I strongly presage and i am persuaded not falsely that your histories will be immortal. Of the 37 books of plinys monumental natural history, book 7 is pivotal. From antiquity through the middle ages and into the renaissance, plinys massive compilation of knowledge remained a. The natural history book vii with book viii 1 34 latin texts kindle edition by pliny the elder, pliny the, travillian, tyler t download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Links to translation of pliny the elder, natural history, by h. Big ben than by the intricate insides of a wrist watch. Pliny devised a summarium, or list of contents, at the beginning of the work that was later interpreted by modern printers as a table of contents. The only translation of plinys natural history which has hitherto appeared in the english. How i met your mother natural history subtitles english. Contributor university of california libraries language english. Both factors made it eminently suitable for scholarly analysis. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading pliny the elder. The nature of the animated beings which exist upon it, is hardly in any degree less worthy of our contemplation than its other features. Naturalis historia latin for natural history is an encyclopedia published circa ad 7779 by pliny the elder.
Pliny the elder, tireless researcher and writer, is author of the encyclopedic natural history, in 37 books, an unrivaled compendium of roman knowledge. Pliny the elder simple english wikipedia, the free. Pliny the elder, tireless researcher and writer, is author of the encyclopedic natural history, in 37 books, an unrivaled compendium of roman knowledge the contents of the books are as follows. The natural history book vii with book viii 1 34 latin texts by bloomsbury isbn. Pliny himself defines his scope as the natural world, or life.
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